hong kong dollar balance meaning in Chinese
- Hong kong dollar balance feeding back into the financial sector ' s credit base
港元结存再流入金融界的信贷基础内 - It depends mainly on the attitude of the banks and also of those holding large idle hong kong dollar balances
我相信这主要视乎银行及持有大量港元闲资者的态度而定。 - The undertaking given by the hkma to licensed banks to sell us dollars to them for the hong kong dollar balances in their clearing accounts at the fixed exchange rate of hk 7 . 80 to us 1
据此,金管局保证会按7 . 80港元兑1美元的固定汇率向它们出售美元,以换取其结算户口内的港元结馀。 - Members noted that , as a last resort , the financial secretary had powers under section 3a of the exchange fund ordinance which would allow him to levy charges on hong kong dollar balances in clearing accounts maintained by banks with the hkma